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Hello! How’s your week been? Don’t you love this time of year? I am planting and sowing, sowing and planting, and everywhere you look there are flowers and seedlings and buzzy bees and joy. I adore spring.

Have you been exploring the new Notes tab on your Substack app yet? So far I’ve been mainly lurking – watching how other writers use it and seeing how it all works. But I’m going to dip a toe in this week and see how things go: I have an idea to post one thing going on in my garden each day with an invitation for you to do the same – so hope you can join me!

It’s just a way of connecting, sharing what we’re all up to and swapping notes (pun intended!) I had thought about opening the Chat function for Greenery and starting something similar there, but Notes seems like a more natural home. I am open to suggestions! I am mulling over whether to activate Chat and do a weekly slot there as well – would that be something you’d join in with? Perhaps a problem-solver Q&A? Do let me know what you’d like to see here – I’m up for anything (well, as long as it’s more or less legal).

This week has been crazy busy: I am beginning to get that creeping feeling of panic when you simply cannot comprehend how you are meant to do quite this much in this few hours in the day. I am about a third of the way through writing my book now: I’m just about to hand in a chunky section on how to start a new veg garden, with what I hope will be loads of helpful advice about choosing the right spot, figuring out which veg to grow, and a bit about self-sufficiency and what you need to do to achieve it. Next it’s on to sustainable growing techniques: there will be much chat about cardboard…

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